1st Balcombes Scout HQ Opening

On Saturday 17th September, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers gathered at 1st Balcombes Scout HQ to celebrate the opening of the new Scout Hall named “Cai’s Cabin” in memory of Ceinwen who had been actively involved in the group for a number of years as the Scout Leader. Colin Field, …

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Scout Association Activity Resource Pack

As the summer holidays draw to a close, section meetings in many groups will soon be resuming. As leaders plan your Programme along with input from your section members, take a look at this incredible pack of activities to give you a head-start! From indoor and outdoor activities step-by-step how-tos, there’s sure to be something to inspire you! The document is available on the Scout Association website or by viewing this article.

Appeal to finally fix vandalised scout hut

Scouts in Crawley are appealing for help repairing damage caused by vandals to their hut. A string of incidents saw a window broken and a perimeter fence damaged at the hut belonging to 2nd Crawley Scout Group in Seymour Road, Broadfield, which now hosts more than 70 youngsters. Repairs to …

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World Scarf Day – 1st August 2016

Scouts have several holidays, that help them promote scouting in different countries around the world. World Scout Scarf Day is one of these holidays, that is annually celebrated on the 1st August. Promotion of World Scout Scarf Day began in 2007 by a campaign on Facebook. Every former Scout worldwide is encouraged to wear his or her neckerchief in public on August 1, that would be a symbol of the Scout promise and the spirit of Scouting. The date of the event commemorates the very first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island in 1907.

District Activity Day / Stanford Chapel Opening

On Saturday 2nd July, over 80 people attended the District Activity Day where they were able to partake in activities such as Rifle Shooting, Archery, Bouncy Castles, Crafts, Fire Lighting, Tug of War and Bouldering. We were very lucky with the weather throughout the day as the sun shone brightly with only a few brief showers. After the activities had concluded for the day, everyone ventured down to the recently renovated chapel for its grand opening which has been a culmination of hard work by a number of people and groups over the past year.

Crawley Cub 100 Birthday Party – Celebrated in Style!

On Sat 18th June, over 200 Cubs from Crawley District celebrated the centenary of Cub Scouting in style. They met up with Leaders and other adults and friends at Blacklands Farm Guide Site at 8am, East Grinstead before hiking to Kingscote Station where they boarded their very own chartered train for the day. After a short journey South to Sheffield Park they spent 3 hours going round the Museum, Engine Shed, Shop, having lunch and watching a specially prepared DVD which covered the last 100 years of history, gadgets, aviation and Scouting. Read on for more details and photos!

Volunteers Week – We need your help!

Scouting continues to play a huge role in volunteering across the UK. Staying true to Scouting’s goal of helping people learn through doing, volunteering has helped to develop key skills in young people. 91% of volunteers and 88% of youth members said that Scouting has helped them develop key skills. 97% of volunteers and 92% of youth members stated that Scouting has helped with relationship-building. Scouting has a strong ethos of helping young people to take an active role in their local community. With a waiting list of over 34,000 children and young people nationally, Scouting needs even more adult volunteers – read this article to find out how you could help!

St George’s Day Parade 2016

Last Sunday, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network and Leaders from across Crawley came together for the annual St George’s Day Parade in Crawley Town Centre. The groups congregated in the Memorial Gardens before marching to Queens Square where they all renewed their promises, sang the national anthem and recited the Lord’s Prayer. A …

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1st Balcombe’s New Meeting Hall

After months of fundraising and planning 1st Balcombe’s new meeting hall has landed.‎ The pictures tell the story! There is still a number of weeks to go but now the main structure has arrived, the work to provide a new meeting‎ hall can really commence. Many thanks to Jamie Kirkman and Michelle Record for their fantastic efforts to date!

Census 2016

Great progress by Groups and District again over 2015, numbers up by nearly 90. 2 new Beaver Colonies and a Scout Troop, along with a lot of hard work in ensuring that our young people have a safe place to meet. Well done and thank you to all members. Signs …

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Youshape 2016

The national event for #YouShape week is taking place 5-7 February. This is currently being organized by a team of 15 fantastic young people from across the country. Applications to attend the event are now closed, however there are great opportunity’s to get involved with YouShape Week including joining the …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.