2nd Ifield Sycamore Beaver Camp

Last weekend, Sycamore Beaver Scout colony had their annual Summer Camp in the Surrey Hills. We enjoyed many activities tye dying our own pot bags for future use. The main event of the weekend was a hike, it started at the campsite, Boidier Hurst, out to Headley Heath and finishing …

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Chief Scout Awards – Nov 2023

In November, the district recognised all the top award achievers in Beaver Scouts, Chief Scout Bronze Award, and Cub Scouts, Chief Scout Silver Award. Congratulations to all the young people receiving their certificates and thanks to all their leaders who have guided them through the awards.

Beaver Handicraft Day

On Sunday nearly 100 Beavers from across the district gathered for their annual craft day. The young people tried a variety of crafts in preparation for Christmas. The Beavers also had an unexpected visit from Santa, who spoke to the all.

Beaver Easter Trail

This Sunday the District held their Beaver Easter Trail at Stanford Scout Camp Site. The Beavers followed a trailed around the campsite doing activities as they went. When completed they were allow to hunt for an Easter Egg. There also a number of craft events to try out and some …

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Beaver and Cub Handicraft Day 2022

Beavers and Cubs from around the district were busy at our Craft Day hosted by 4th Worth Scout Group on 19th November. The HQ has been busy all day with young people gluing, drawing, building, folding, creating a whole variety of items. #scouts #SkillsForLife #crawley #Balcombe #beaverscouts #cubscouts #goodforyou

CSA Bronze and Silver Awards

Congratulations to all the young people from the District who received their Chief Scout Bronze and Silver Award certificates today. A great achievement by the young people supported by a great group of volunteer leaders The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award is the highest award available to Beaver Scouts. It is gained by a Beaver who …

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Remembrance Sunday

This weekend saw a number of Scout Groups joining their communities to pay their respects to those who have died in war and conflicts. On Friday a number of Scouts were involved with wreath laying at ceremonies at Schools. On Saturday 1st Northgate and 5th Crawley held a sleepover including …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.