Scout Association Activity Resource Pack

As the summer holidays draw to a close, section meetings in many groups will soon be resuming. As leaders plan your Programme along with input from your section members, take a look at this incredible pack of activities to give you a head-start! From indoor and outdoor activities step-by-step how-tos, there’s sure to be something to inspire you! The document is available on the Scout Association website or by viewing this article.

World Scarf Day – 1st August 2016

Scouts have several holidays, that help them promote scouting in different countries around the world. World Scout Scarf Day is one of these holidays, that is annually celebrated on the 1st August. Promotion of World Scout Scarf Day began in 2007 by a campaign on Facebook. Every former Scout worldwide is encouraged to wear his or her neckerchief in public on August 1, that would be a symbol of the Scout promise and the spirit of Scouting. The date of the event commemorates the very first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island in 1907.

Queens 90th Birthday

On Thursday 21st April, about 30 young people and leaders from Groups and Sections across  Crawley Scouts celebrated the Queens 90th Birthday at Tilgate Park. The beacon was lit by the Mayor Cllr Chris Cheshire. A couple of photos of the event are shown below.

2nd Ifield Scout Gang Show

The show at Ifield Barn Arts Centre ran from Thursday to Saturday last week, with over 100 Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Scout Network and adult leaders and supporters. All performances were sold out. The show was a medley of plays, songs and dances performed by each of the sections of the Group and large musical numbers with all members of the gang on the stage.

Slash and Burn Camp 2016

From Friday 11th March to Sunday 13th March, Scouts from a number of different groups from across Crawley District held their annual slash and burn camp at Stanford campsite. This year, the focus was continuing the work on the chapel to get it ready for its grand opening later in …

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Do you know your Knots?

People have been tying knots for thousands of years. Today, despite technology, knots are still as necessary as ever. All knots have a purpose and it is just as important to understand what that purpose is, and when the knot is used, as having the ability to tie it. Take this quick quiz to test whether your skills are up to scratch.

2016 Calendar Dates Available

Dates for 2016 have now been uploaded to the website and can be viewed on our District Diary Page. If you notice any mistakes / omissions, please contact the webmaster who can correct / make additions. From everyone at Crawley District Scouts, we’d also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. We look forward to continuing our big adventure into 2016.

Scouts & Explorer Scouts are recognised for their achievements

At the county awards ceremony Scouts and Explorer Scouts from Crawley District were presented with their certificates by the UK Deputy Youth Commissioner, Jagz Bharth. Hanna Allessendro-Pearse was presented with her Duke of Edinburgh’s Silver Award having completed 6 months at Cub Scouts (volunteering), 3 months developing her kayaking (physical), …

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National Scout Shooting Championships 2015

40 members from Crawley District including Scouts, Explorers, Network, Scout Active Support, Leaders and Shooting Instructors have recently returned from the National Scout Shooting Competition at Bisley (16th Oct to 18th Oct). This year there were over 800 Scouts partaking in the competition. An impressive number of trophies and medals were won between the Crawley District competitors as listed below. Congratulations to all of those who won awards and keep up the hard work training for future years as we have come a long way in the last few years!

Chief Scout Gold Awards

Congratulations to six scouts from 7th Crawley Scout Troop and seven scouts from 4th Worth Scout Troop who have recently completed their Chief Scout Gold Award. This is the highest award a scout can earn during their time with the troop. To earn the award they must earn six activity or staged activity badges of their choice. They could be badges gained outside of normal meetings or ones they have achieved through the weekly programme. They also have to complete the nine challenge awards.

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.