2nd Ifield Sycamore Beaver Camp

Last weekend, Sycamore Beaver Scout colony had their annual Summer Camp in the Surrey Hills. We enjoyed many activities tye dying our own pot bags for future use. The main event of the weekend was a hike, it started at the campsite, Boidier Hurst, out to Headley Heath and finishing …

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2nd Ifield’s Group Camp

At the weekend, the Group gathered at Stanford Scout Camp Site for our annual Group Camp. This year we held it over the whole weekend, allowing two nights away. With all sections from Squirrels to Explorers and our Active Support Unit represented along with their parents, they enjoyed a relaxed weekend in …

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2nd Ifield Bellboating

Over the weekend of 15/16 June 2nd Ifield’s Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts had the opportunity to get on the water at Tilgate Lake. They had a great time in the Bellboat surviving the strong winds on Saturday, slightly lighter on Sunday.

Young Achievers Awarded

Congratulations to all the young people who received award certificates. Beaver Scouts’ Chief Scout Bronze Award and Cub Scouts’ Chief Scout Silver Awards certificates were presented by Tom Dalton our County lead volunteer and Ollie Gldman our District lead volunteer. These awards are the highest the young people can achieve …

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National Celebration of Achievements

On Sunday Scouts from around the Country celebrated Scouting’s Parton Saint, St George, including our own event in Crawley. For all those who achieved their King Scout Award (the top award a young person can achieve) in the past year they are invited to the National Celebration of Achievements in …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.