World Scarf Day – 1st August 2016

Scouts have several holidays, that help them promote scouting in different countries around the world. World Scout Scarf Day is one of these holidays, that is annually celebrated on the 1st August. Promotion of World Scout Scarf Day began in 2007 by a campaign on Facebook. Every former Scout worldwide is encouraged to wear his or her neckerchief in public on August 1, that would be a symbol of the Scout promise and the spirit of Scouting. The date of the event commemorates the very first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island in 1907.

District Activity Day / Stanford Chapel Opening

On Saturday 2nd July, over 80 people attended the District Activity Day where they were able to partake in activities such as Rifle Shooting, Archery, Bouncy Castles, Crafts, Fire Lighting, Tug of War and Bouldering. We were very lucky with the weather throughout the day as the sun shone brightly with only a few brief showers. After the activities had concluded for the day, everyone ventured down to the recently renovated chapel for its grand opening which has been a culmination of hard work by a number of people and groups over the past year.

West Sussex Beaver Trip – Fishers Farm

On 14th May, 315 West Sussex Beavers Scouts and their leaders descended upon Fishers Farm to celebrate 30 years of Beaver Scouting. They had a fantastic day with their own magic and farm shows. Lots of fun was had on tractor rides, climbing walls, jumping pillows, donut run, barrel rides, pirate boats and they even panned for gold! Badges the Beaver came and joined in the fun and managed not to scare all the farm animals. At the end of the day we all met to sing Happy Birthday and to share some treats. As one of the Beavers said “it was the best day ever”.

Queens 90th Birthday

On Thursday 21st April, about 30 young people and leaders from Groups and Sections across  Crawley Scouts celebrated the Queens 90th Birthday at Tilgate Park. The beacon was lit by the Mayor Cllr Chris Cheshire. A couple of photos of the event are shown below.

2nd Ifield Scout Gang Show

The show at Ifield Barn Arts Centre ran from Thursday to Saturday last week, with over 100 Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Scout Network and adult leaders and supporters. All performances were sold out. The show was a medley of plays, songs and dances performed by each of the sections of the Group and large musical numbers with all members of the gang on the stage.

New Beaver Colony – Langley Green

Last month the new ‘Robin’ Beaver Colony at 1st Langley Green Scout Group opened. The new colony joins the original Tuesday Beaver Colony, now renamed ‘Chaffinch’. Across the two Colonies, the Group has been able to welcome 12 new Beavers, bringing numbers up to 36.  The team have also welcomed …

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2016 Calendar Dates Available

Dates for 2016 have now been uploaded to the website and can be viewed on our District Diary Page. If you notice any mistakes / omissions, please contact the webmaster who can correct / make additions. From everyone at Crawley District Scouts, we’d also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. We look forward to continuing our big adventure into 2016.

Chief Scout Awards – November 2015

A total of 61 Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts gathered at St Andrew’s Church on Friday to receive their certificates in recognition of achieving the Chief Scout’s Bronze and Silver Awards. The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award is the highest award available to Beaver Scouts. It is gained by a Beaver who completes each …

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Scouting in Crawley is Growing

We are pleased to announce that 2nd Ifield Scout Group have now started their second Beaver Colony. This week saw eleven new beavers were invested into their Sycamore Colony. The two Beaver colonies at 2nd Ifield (Sycamore and Chestnut) will work closely together running the same programme with the leadership …

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CSA Awards – March 2015

Congratulations to all 39 youth members who achieved the top award for their section over the past 4 months. They were all invited to an Awards Ceremony in March 2015 to receive their award from District Commissioner, Eddy Hills and Mayor, Brenda Smith. The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award is the highest award …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.