District YouShape Day

Crawley District Scouts will be holding a District YouShape Activity Day on Sunday 15th April at Stanford Scout Campsite. The day will be split into two sessions as below: Cubs and Scouts (8-12 years old) – 9.00am to 1.00pm / Older Scouts and Explorers (13-18 years old) – 1.30pm to 5.30pm. Please drop-off/pick-up the participants from the main building at the campsite promptly at the times listed above. Please also respect our neighbours and DO NOT drive down the lane (Parents and members should walk down the lane to the campsite). During the event, the youth members will take part in a number of activities including archery, rifle shooting and team building games. It will also be an opportunity for those who attend to voice their thoughts on their weekly programme and district events which will be used to help us shape activities going forward.

Chief Scout Awards – March 2018

Congratulations to all youth members who were presented their Chief Scouts Awards during the awards ceremony in March 2018. The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award is the highest award available to Beaver Scouts. It is gained by a Beaver who completes each of the Global, Promise, Creative, Community, Outdoor and Fitness Challenges. The Chief …

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WSJ2019 Participants Selected

2019 sees the next World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, America. 22 Scouts and Explorer Scouts in Crawley District applied to part of our contingent. They took part in a weekend selection camp, where they were given different tasks to complete and new people to meet and interact with. 8 …

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WS Camp 2017 News Feed

With WS 2017 just around the corner, we have setup a news aggregation service on our District Website so you can keep up to date with the latest news and activities happening at WS2017. It will aggregate all of the media feeds and display them in one handy page.

#Youshape Evening

On Thursday 13th July, two District Youth Commissioners (Miles and Owen) from East Grinstead Scouts ran a #Youshape evening for 1st Langley Green Scouts. After introductions and questions about #Youshape, the scouts were still slightly confused as to what it was. They introduced the snowball game, “throwing” ideas at each other …

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1st Southgate Scout Camp

1st Southgate Scout Group held their annual Cub and Scout Camp last weekend at Stanford.  We camped 24 Cubs (Pack has 24) and 18 Scouts (Troop has 20), with the amazing support of 15 Leaders from our Colony, Pack, Troop, SRF Unit and YLs.  I am so proud of this …

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Standing Room only for Rememberance Sunday Services

On Remembrance Sunday (13th November) the residents of Ifield, the congregation of St Margaret’s Church and 2nd Ifield (St Margaret’s) Scout Group gathered around the war memorial in Ifield churchyard for two minutes silence and wreath laying. The ceremony, with the last post and reveille, included prayers, remembering those who …

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Downsman Hike 2016

The Sussex Downsman Hike is an event held annually on the first Saturday in October on the South Downs. This year it took place on Saturday 1st October. The Hike is organised principally for the Scout and Guide Associations of East and West Sussex, with an open invitation to Scout and …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.