Operation Triangle – Night Hike

Congratulations to 4 Explorers from Drake Explorer Unit who came 4th in the Operation Triangle Night Hike on Saturday 21st / Sunday 22nd November. Operation Triangle is a night exercise for teams of 4 Explorer Scouts. The exercise involves hiking approximately 18 miles across country (longer if they get lost!). Teams will walk along the course as directed, reporting at the various incident and checkpoints designed to test teamwork, scouting skills and navigation.

National Scout Shooting Championships 2015

40 members from Crawley District including Scouts, Explorers, Network, Scout Active Support, Leaders and Shooting Instructors have recently returned from the National Scout Shooting Competition at Bisley (16th Oct to 18th Oct). This year there were over 800 Scouts partaking in the competition. An impressive number of trophies and medals were won between the Crawley District competitors as listed below. Congratulations to all of those who won awards and keep up the hard work training for future years as we have come a long way in the last few years!

Scouting for 18-25 year olds is being rebooted

The Scout Network is the final Scouting section and gives opportunities to 18-25 year olds who have an interest in Scouting, their own personal development and having fun! If you’ve been following us on Facebook and Twitter, you may have heard that the Scout Network is going through some changes to make the Programme even better and accessible to all young adults between the ages of 18-25. We’ve put together this article to break down the changes and to point you to all the information you need to know about the Scout Network reboot.

Chief Scout Gold Awards

Congratulations to six scouts from 7th Crawley Scout Troop and seven scouts from 4th Worth Scout Troop who have recently completed their Chief Scout Gold Award. This is the highest award a scout can earn during their time with the troop. To earn the award they must earn six activity or staged activity badges of their choice. They could be badges gained outside of normal meetings or ones they have achieved through the weekly programme. They also have to complete the nine challenge awards.

Scout Shoot 2015 Results

Congratulations to Liam Spriggs, Harley Raine and Craig Edwards who competed in the annual Surrey Scout Shoot Competition. The competition is for all members of the Scout movement over 14 and involves 5 different shooting events. The weather was kind and the day long with everyone improving their skills and trying different shooting events. The results for Crawley District were excellent, with three members winning awards.

Become a Scout Volunteer

We are urgently in need of new volunteers to enable us to support our existing groups and sections. Please get in touch today if you think you can help – even if it’s only a couple of hours a year, your help will be greatly appreciated.

Cub 100 Year Events

In 2016 we will be commemorating one hundred years of Cub Scouts with local and national celebrations. A number of events are currently being planned in Crawley District including a 100 year birthday party – preliminary details available and a large joint County Camp at Ardingly.

CSA Awards – March 2015

Congratulations to all 39 youth members who achieved the top award for their section over the past 4 months. They were all invited to an Awards Ceremony in March 2015 to receive their award from District Commissioner, Eddy Hills and Mayor, Brenda Smith. The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award is the highest award …

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Ready Steady Cook 2015

On Saturday 7th March, 7 teams entered the annual Ready Steady Cooking Competition at 4th Worths Scout HQ. Three teams entered from 2nd Ifield, one from 5th Crawley, one from 4th Worth and two from 1st Northgate. The teams were judged on a number of criteria including preparation, health and …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.