Website crawleyscouts Crawley Scouts
The District Support Team gives tools and resources to help Scouts run smoothly in their District. Make it your own and shape the way for Crawley District Volunteers! More information regarding the role can be seen in the below role description pack.
Skills required:
- Ability to lead a team of adults
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Be computer literate
- Provide inspirational leaders for the Support Team
- Provide strategic direction for the Team
- Be a self-motivator and be able to motivate others positively
- Able to work well and as appropriate chair meetings
- Presenting and facilitating skills
- Ability to work and engage with all ages
- Able to build, maintain and facilitate effective working relationships with a wide range of people
- Ability to negotiate compromises
- Ability to speak publicly
Personal qualities
- Ability to work within predefined limits (for examples timescales and budgets)
- Construct and implement development plans that improve and grow the scouting offered to young people
- Self-motivated
- Accept the policies and rules of The Scout Association
- Willingness to become a member, take The Scout Association
- Promise and wear the scout uniform
- Accept and promote scouting’s fundamentals
- Have time available, amongst other commitments to commit to the role
- Ability to meet deadlines
- Be in a position to travel within the district, as required
- A willingness to promote the agreed, viewpoints rather than perpetuate personal views
- Have a flexible approach
These vacancies will close when sufficient interest has been received
To enquire about this role, please visit crawleydistrictscouts.co.uk.