Celebrating Difference Day

At the beginning of half term, Beavers and Cubs from 1st Northgate and 5th Crawley spent a day learning about the five senses and disability.

Among other things they tasted different flavours, wrote with their feet, felt things they couldn’t see, identified different aromas and tried being a wheelchair pusher and user.  The Beavers and Cubs learned about having hearing loss,  Makaton, stroke, Tourettes and OCD.  They also had a visit from John, a blind man and his dog Oliver.  John said they asked insightful questions and had a good understanding and empathy.

After lunch we walked to Crawley library where they learned about how the building was designed to be accessible, found books about differences and made posters.

To end the day we visited the Memorial Gardens playground to look at adapted play equipment and let off steam.

We hope you like the poster one young person made and it makes you realise what’s important in life!

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

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