Transforming Training – Growing Roots

We’re moved to a more engaging learning experience and you’re going to love it!

Learning is divided into Growing Roots learning and Branching Out learning. Growing Roots learning, is the mandatory learning that all volunteers need to complete and Branching Out learning, is optional and allows you to continue your learning and complete your Wood Badge.

Gaining a Wood Badge is optional and the learning framework will eventually (up the end of 2026),  be structured as a programme of learning personalised to you. It will be focused on being engaging, relevant and something you’ll want to do. 

There is still a requirement to renew safeguarding and safety learning every three years and team roles that require first aid learning need to initially gain a certificate within their first 12 months and the renew every three years. 

Branching Out learning will be gradually role out during 2025-26.

Growing Roots Learning

Growing Roots learning is designed to ensure that everyone that is volunteering with Scouts has the skills and knowledge they need to carry out their role effectively. It supports adults and provides them with the information they need to help deliver, or support the delivery of, high quality, safe, sound and exciting scouting to young people. It covers the basics of Scouts, safety, data protection and creating an inclusive environment.

All Growing Roots learning is completed online using our learning system. The system tracks progress and automatically updates the learner’s membership record to show that each piece of learning has been completed.

Growing Roots learning appropriate to the role, as specified in the teams table, has two deadlines to meet. Safeguarding and Safety learning must be completed within 30 days of the start of the provisional role. The other elements for Growing Roots must be completed within 180 days of the applicant’s personal details being entered into the membership system.

Volunteers starting a new type of role that requires additional learning, have 180 days to complete their Growing Roots learning.

Growing Roots is the learning that all volunteers need to complete within their first six months as a new volunteer. The only people who don’t need to complete this learning are Presidents, Vice Presidents, Non Member – Needs Disclosure, Retired Members and Designated Carers.

Safety and Safeguarding (Every 3 Years)

This is the learning that all new volunteers will need to complete within their first 30 days. These will migrate over from Compass but ALL volunteers will need to recomplete SAFETY by Summer 2025 regardless of their previous expiry date!
Learning UnitLearning includes
SafetyThis learning is about how we keep our young people and each other safe. It includes:
– What our safety policy is and why it’s important
– What your responsibilities are in terms of safety
– How to assess and manage risks
– How to respond to and report incidents
SafeguardingThis learning is about how we safeguard our young people and each other. It includes:
– What safeguarding is and why it’s important
– How to recognise safeguarding concerns
– How to respond to and report safeguarding concerns
– How to safeguard adults at risk

Other Important Training (Complete Once)

This is the learning that all new volunteers will need to complete within their first 180 days. Existing volunteers with wood badges will have completed these already. Those with only GETTING STARTED will need to complete CREATING INCLUSION to gain a full Team Member role.
Learning UnitLearning includes
Creating InclusionThis learning is about how we make Scouts a welcoming space for everybody. It includes: 
– How to challenge assumptions
– Practical ways to be more inclusive in everything we do
– How to respond when people need reasonable adjustments
– How to challenge discrimination
Data protection 
in Scouts
This learning is about how we take care of people’s personal data. It includes:
– What data protection and personal data is
– How to gather personal data in Scouts
– How to use, share and store personal data in Scouts
– How to delete or archive personal data securely
– How to respond in case of a data breach or subject access request 
Who we are and what we doThis is an introduction to what Scouts is and how we help young people develop skills for life. It includes: 
– Our purpose, Promise and values as Scouts.
– The support that’s available to you.
– How our different teams work together.
– How Scouts create impact. 

Specific Role Training (Complete Once)

This is role specific learning that all new volunteers will need to complete within their first six months. Most people will only need to complete one of these learning units. But some will be required to complete two, or all three. 
Specific learning, for:Learning includes
Section team 
members and
programme facing roles: Delivering a 
This will help our Section Teams to understand how to plan and deliver a safe, balanced and high quality programme for young people in Scouts. It includes: 
– The Scout Method and how we create impact. 
– How to involve young people and be youth led.
– How to promote positive behaviour when working with young people.
– How to plan and run safe and exciting programmes, so young people can achieve their top awards. 
– How to work with parents and carers of our young people
For everyone 
that is a member
of a trustee 
board: Being a Trustee
in Scouts
This learning needs to be completed by all new Trustees.
– What a Trustee is and what responsibilities you have
– Where to find resources and support for approaching your responsibilities
– How to manage premises
– How to manage risks as a Trustee
For team leaders
and lead volunteers
(except for Team
Leaders of Section Teams and Sub-Teams): Leading Scout Volunteers
This learning needs to be completed by all new Team Leaders and Lead Volunteers, except for Team Leaders of Section Teams and Sub-teams.
– How to adapt your leadership style
– How the Scouts approach to Teams works
– How to welcome new volunteers
– How to run good reviews with volunteers, and how to recognise them for their work
– How to have constructive conversations 
– How to carry out your responsibilities for permit approvals, activity approvals, and suspensions 
– How to lead on inclusive growth

For existing volunteers, this learning will be automatically signed off if you’ve already achieved your Manager & Supporter Wood Badge. 

First Response (Group Team Members, Group Lead Volunteers, District Section Team Members, District 14-24 Team Leaders) – Every 3 Years

Although not technically a part of Growing Roots learning, First Response must be completed by some people within 12 months of starting a role. This means that First Aid, to a minimum of First Response, and that covers the Scouts First Response syllabus is needed for these roles: Section Team Members, Group Lead Volunteers, District Section Team Members, District 14-24 Team Leaders

Branching Out Learning

Branching out, Wood Badge, learning will be structured as a programme of learning personalised to you - by you. It will be focused on being engaging, relevant and something you’ll want to do. Branching out and continuing your learning to gain your Wood Badge is open to everyone that has a role in Scouts. We will provide lots more information on our web pages as it becomes available over the coming months!

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.