More Leaders Awards

2nd Ifield Scout Group has recently had the opportunity to recognise the work of our volunteers with both Dominic Smith, one of the Cub Scout leaders with Lion Cubs, and Sarah Smith, who is a trustee and has been chair of the social & Fundraising committee, receiving their 5 year …

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Leader Service Awards

This week Crawley District Scouts said Thank You to 3 members for 25 years Service – Jill Alderton, Allen Heath and Helen Ives. Ollie Gidman also received his first Wood Badge beads making him a member of the World’s Largest Scout Group.

Shackleton Explorers – Winter Camp 2022

From 2nd to 4th December, Shackleton Explorers enjoyed a winter camp at Bentley Copse Scout Campsite. Staying inside in Palmer House, the cold didn’t bother us! Activities including a night hike, zipline, crate stacking, climbing, abseiling, rifle shooting, karaoke and lots of food! It was a nice relaxing camp to …

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GoodForYou – Volunteer with us today!

Now more than ever, we need more volunteers to work with young people across Crawley to help provide them with #skillsforlife. We have a variety of flexible volunteer opportunities available across Crawley especially in the Scout section (young people aged 10 to 14). No previous scouting experience is necessary as …

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1st Balcombe Scouts Climbing

1st Balcombe Scouts enjoyed the challenge of climbing the heights of K2 Leisure Centre’s wall this week. #scouts #SkillsForLife #Balcombe #goodforyou #climbing If your interested in joining us as youth member, get in touch today.

Beaver and Cub Handicraft Day 2022

Beavers and Cubs from around the district were busy at our Craft Day hosted by 4th Worth Scout Group on 19th November. The HQ has been busy all day with young people gluing, drawing, building, folding, creating a whole variety of items. #scouts #SkillsForLife #crawley #Balcombe #beaverscouts #cubscouts #goodforyou

CSA Bronze and Silver Awards

Congratulations to all the young people from the District who received their Chief Scout Bronze and Silver Award certificates today. A great achievement by the young people supported by a great group of volunteer leaders The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award is the highest award available to Beaver Scouts. It is gained by a Beaver who …

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Drake ESU visit to parliament

On 3rd November Drake Explorers went to Westminster to visit the Houses of Parliament. We met up with our local MP, Henry Smith, who was to be our tour guide.  Passing through Portcullis House and seeing the committee rooms, where much business is done, we entered Westminster Hall. This is …

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Drake Explorer Scout Unit Mountain Activity Weekend

In October half-term Drake ESU, along with members of 2nd Ifield Scouts and Shackleton ESU, travelled to North Wales for their annual mountain activity weekend.  Friday saw them hiking and climbing in the Ogwen Valley. Tackling routes despite the wet and windy conditions  On Saturday everyone went on a big …

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Remembrance Sunday

This weekend saw a number of Scout Groups joining their communities to pay their respects to those who have died in war and conflicts. On Friday a number of Scouts were involved with wreath laying at ceremonies at Schools. On Saturday 1st Northgate and 5th Crawley held a sleepover including …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.