On Tuesday evening (23/04/24) The adults of the district gathered at Tilgate Golf Club for the annual general meeting of Crawley District. Joined by Tom Dalton, the County lead volunteer, the formal part of the evening, in the absence of a Chair leading the trustees, was chair by Dave Palmer, 4th Worth GSL.
Following the formal part of the meeting, we were able to carry out the investiture of our new District team member (Cubs) and District Youth Lead Volunteer.
We were also able to present a number of awards:
- Harrison Lynn, 5 years adult service
- David Goodwin, 10 years adult service
- Dave Palmer, 15 years adult service
- Sheila Jones, 20 years adult service
- Luke Winstanley and Paul Abbott, 25 years adult service
- Robin Lawrence, Wood Badge
- Luke Winstanley, Commissioner’s Commendation Award
- Mick Hill, The Award for Merit
- Geoff Ridgeway, 70 years adult service
The Cornwall Shield was awarded to 2nd Ifield for the growth of the group, including the preparation for the Squirrel Dreys and increased leadership team
The Barry Jones Memorial Trophy was awarded to Chris Hobbs for the outstanding work she has done for the district, especially whilst we were without a District lead.

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