will be held at 7.30pm on 31st March 2020 at
Tilgate Golf Club
Titmus Drive
Tilgate RH10 5EU
Section Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants are invited to come and find out what Crawley Scouts have been doing last year and plan to do this year. The formal part of the meeting will be as short as possible
There is a Cash Bar available
Nominations are invited for Members of the District Executive (Please hand them to your Group Scout Leader by 24th March and they must be signed by the proposer, seconder, and the nominee)
Scout Council Members
Dr B M Jones, Chairperson; Mr I Pearse, Treasurer
Mrs C Hobbs; Mrs B Hills; Mr G Dyson; Mrs W Keeley; Mr P. Masters; Mrs Y Seetayah; Mrs T Ayers; Mr A Jasko Mr K Ives; Mr A Heath; Mr S Edwards; Miss C Palmer Jones; Miss P Woolard; Mr J Sharp; Mr M Hill