Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) is an annual campaign that celebrates the contributions that millions of volunteers make across the UK.
Run by the charity, Volunteering England, the campaign provides the perfect opportunity to do something positive for your community and as the results of the 2018 Scout Experience Survey show, there are many benefits of Scouting. The survey results show that compared to young people not in Scouting, Scouts truly are learning more skills, volunteering more often, and contributing to a kinder, more cohesive society.
It proves that thanks to the time, effort and enthusiasm our volunteers put in to delivering programmes of activities that are filled with skills for life, Scouts are becoming better prepared to lead happier, healthier lives, ultimately contributing to a happier, healthier world.
Comparing Scouts with non-Scouts; here are just some of the ways our volunteers are changing young people’s lives. Our young people are:
- Problem solvers – they score 7.6% higher
- Team players – they score 6% higher
- Developing leadership skills – they score 12.7% higher
- Developing greater independence – they score 15.6% higher
- Better communicators – they score 9.3% higher
- Happier – they score 5.8% higher
- Developing higher perseverance and grit – they score 4.8% higher
- More likely to try new things – they score 8.6% higher
- More likely to have the courage to take risks and tackle challenging activities – they score 16% higher
On behalf of everyone in the team – we would like to sincerely thank each and every adult volunteer across Crawley – for your time, commitment and dedication to serving our young people.
You continue to change lives and change communities; and this is highly valued. If you would like to be part of our volunteer team in Crawley either as a leader, skills instructor or occasional helper, get in touch with us today.
Crawley District Scout Council